Contact Improvisation is a terrific opportunity to explore and deepen your ability to coordinate with others, and with yourself, in an exceptionally open structure. In the spirit of the form, contact improv jams are, as a whole, also improvisational, with little official regulation. This generally works well, because the essence of the practice is pursuit of cooperation rather than control.
Communication is never perfect, however, and sometimes people miss recognizing or honoring the boundaries of others. In improvisation, you can’t regulate communication without sacrificing key opportunities for individual discovery and growth. However, clear guidelines can help everyone understand what to do to keep such mistakes from spoiling a good situation. — Myradicity
- WCCIjam 2017 Jam Guidlines – A living document
- Respecting Boundaries at Myradicity
- Things to Consider – REAson d’etre
- 101 Ways to Say No to Contact Improvisation: Boundaries and Trust – Martin Keogh